We need very little to be happy, right, Irene? It's not about money, it's about our well-being achieved through physical and mental health. Excellent tips.

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Decluttering your home is HUGE! I declutter daily. Mostly because I find the visual clutter highly distracting. But even for those who can ignore it more easily, there is ample benefit to keeping a tidy home. I’d add to that, decluttering your mind as well! Mental clutter can take a toll on your mindset.

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Very great! Someone wrote to maintain a "to don't do" list 😅 swapping focus, and realize what we believe is so important to do now. Cancel all your plans and do nothing, reminded me about this. 🙏🍀

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Each one of them works! Thanks for the great list. I'd also add go for a chilled out run for myself :)

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Pretty solid advice!

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I like all of the tips.

Yesterday I cleaned the appartment like a mad person after a run, and my gosh, I was soo energised ! I still am today 😄

Cleaning up helps a lot for me to bring clarity and peace. A cluttered room gives me stress. Not to say I'm a super clean or tidy person, but it will never be a complete mess either.

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So exciting to read your take on something that's been on my mind lately - what can you do for yourself when feeling low (and I wrote a pub about it too). I'm a huge fan of walks, being with nature and surrounding myself with positive-energy people.

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Thank you for offering suggestions on how to elevate our mood! Personally, I find mopping the floor to be very empowering, especially knowing that Mumu will be walking barefoot on a clean floor. (Before having him, I only cared about myself wearing clean slippers, which led to nearly a month of neglecting vacuuming and mopping the floor.)

One challenge I'm currently facing is staying up too late. I used to be an early bird, but with Mumu, I can only accomplish tasks without interruptions after he falls asleep. After completing household chores and relaxing, I typically start studying around 12-2 A.M. and continue until 4 A.M. I really need to learn how to strike a balance between getting enough sleep and learning to my heart's content!

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